Welcome to my BIO-HACKER page! I’ve partnered with pioneering companies that use science to “trick the system”.

Metabolic Flexibility

For over five decades now our country and much of the world has been seeing increases in chronic disease including obesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancer. It is my belief (based on a lot of reading) that much of the problem lies in our dependence on simple carbohydrates and sugar. Many of our parents were taught that “fat is bad” and food companies followed suit replacing fat with sugar and other simple carbs. We have lost the ability to be “metabolically flexible” utilizing both glucose (sugar) and fat as a fuel source. It is my goal to show you that fat metabolism is actually more efficient and has a multitude of benefits. Tapping into “ketones” is one way to experience these benefits and these companies have found a way to deliver ketones directly to the bloodstream by way of an exogenous (outside the body) supplement.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.*

Ketone Salts

I have partnered with two pioneering companies that currently provide the most advanced ketone supplement technology on the planet! Ketone “salts” and ketone “esters” are the main delivery mechanisms available in the market place. If you have never tried The Fourth Fuel I recommend introducing ketones to your protocol for health optimization. Check out the links below to get some information on our body’s “preferred and more efficient fuel”.

Ketone Esters

Originally developed by Dr. Richard Veech, a physician and research scientist at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Ketone esters were discovered by funding from the Defense Advanced Research Programs Agency (DARPA) in an effort to develop a “SUPER FUEL” for military operators. This company has perfected the commercial development of Ketone Esters and now offers them to the public. Still curious what ketones can do, check out this information available at the button below.

Ketone Esters Explained